Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cosmetic Surgery Advertising

Bet you already knew that most people now search for the goods and services on the internet forgoing all other mediums. This is especially true for cosmetic surgeons and plastic surgery,. Everywhere you turn there is someone offering SEO or search engine optimization to give surgery practices the upper hand.

There are really 2 parts to SEO. The first part is the actual overhaul of the surgeons site and of course this is a very important step.

There second part is talking about that surgeon or surgery practice on OTHER website and linking them back to the surgeons site.

With more and more people becoming familiar and proficient with the first part, search engines are looking more and more to the second part when trying to determine the RELEVANCE of the site being promoted.

There are many such solutions out there for surgeons. The challenge however is the fees which start at $400 or more per month and go up to thousands. Even if the budget it there, return on investment can be elusive.

Instead we suggest a service like Best Plastic Surgeon Directory . It provides free surgeon forums, free surgeon blogs, and a directory listing that costs less then $50/month.

The site was built by a reputable web design company , founded by author of a website book Proven Solutions to Build a Website that Sells